Upholstery Cleaning

Home / Upholstery Cleaning


Don’t throw it away or hide in the garage! Renew your upholstery with Class! Class Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning – we are the professionals and we know what proper steps to take.

First we’ll examine your furniture, determine the fabric type, type of dirt and stain removals needed and then proceed to do our “magic”. You’ll be amazed with the results and you’ll be glad you called.

Couches, cushions, love seats, favorite man-cave recliners, living/dining/bedroom chairs and seats, ottomans, futons. And don’t forget the office and waiting room chairs and furniture, etc. Residential and Commercial.

We tackle general usage and odors, stains, accidents, pet urine, upcoming party, relative visits and even white glove mother-in laws : ) Also, ask about our Scotch-Gard protection for those high usage items.

Visit our FAQ section for some upholstery cleaning questions and answers.




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